
Our mission is to develop research, human capital and technology innovation that underpin the UAE’s manufacturing, health and energy sectors. We are committed to bridging the gap between academia and industry through the development and deployment of solutions that address real-world challenges and needs.

We believe that technology development is a key enabler for the growth of our aerospace industry. As such establishing ARIC’s capabilities, in partnership with Khalifa University, is part of our strategy to create an R&D ecosystem in Abu Dhabi. The involvement of UAE national students in executing R&D projects at ARIC will create a pipeline of practical innovations that are relevant to industry needs.

H.E. Homaid Al Shimmari

Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Khalifa University
Deputy Group CEO and Chief Corporate & Human Capital Officer, Mubadala

Our partnership with Khalifa University is fundamental to creating a technologically competitive aerospace industry in Abu Dhabi. This R&D partnership will not only strengthen Strata’s global competitiveness but also introduce the next generation of innovative aerospace solutions for the industry

Badr Al-Olama

Executive Director, UAE Strategic Clusters Unit of the Investment Sector, Mubadala Investment Company;
Chairman of Strata, and Head of the organizing committee for the world's first Global Manufacturing and Industrialization Summit (GMIS).


Our vision is to become a regional and global leader in the research, development, demonstration and deployment of advanced manufacturing, health and energy technologies.


To identify technologies that have the potential to create transform the manufacturing, health and energy sectors.

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  • Dr. Abdelqader Abusafieh
    Head of Technology, Strata PJSC
  • Dr. Ahmed Al Durra
    Senior Vice President of Research and Development
  • Mr. Hashem AlKaabi
    Hub 71 - Mubadala
  • Mr. Abdalla AlMulla